You have to check this step by step, module by module:
1.) switch off the system, remove all modules, switch on again, and
check whether on all busboards the +12 and -12 LEDs are lit.
2.) switch off the system, mount one module and connect it to the
busboard, switch on again, and check whether on all busboards the +12
and -12 LEDs are lit.
3.) continue with the next module like in step 2.
4.) continue with the next module like in step 2.
5.) ...
You should mount the module in the most right position in a row as the
last module. Otherwise you won't be able to see the LEDs.
On 04.09.16 21:28 ,
1 wrote:
> Hi, Hope someone can help here. I've just bought an LC9 case and am
> experiencing trouble setting it up. All my modules are mounted correctly
> with the red stripes matching the -12v... however, most of my modules
> are unresponsive when switched on, i'm only getting a few lit LEDS on
> two doepfer modules (a-113 and a148)... make noise DPO and intellijel
> modules seem to get nothing at all.
> Is there anything i could be doing wrong or did i receive a faulty case
> Thanks!