Thanks Dieter...I'll need to check what the ERM Midiclock is sending when it is running, since this seems to light up the reset LED and is perhaps interfering with the reset message that the box sends to the A190-4. However, when the clock isn't running and I try to send a reset message from the ERM Midiclock to the A190-4, nothing happens.
I'll follow up with ERM first to determine what messages are being sent in active and non-active modes.
---In, <yahoo@...> wrote :
> Hi - I'm using the A190-4 as my midi interface, with master
> clock provided by an ERM Midiclock unit.
> When I hit start, the clock starts but the Reset light activates
> on the A190-4. When I reset from the ERM nothing happens. When I
> stop the ERM the clock stops (obviously) and the reset light goes off.
> Now, the ERM sends the clock pulse and the only other controls on
> the unit are play/pause and resync/reset buttons. Hitting it
> during playback works to resynchronise all devices by resetting
> the song position pointer at the start of the next bar.
> Effectively this means that any devices which have slipped out of
> sync are immediately and seamlessly restarted without
> interrupting playback.
> Any suggestions as to what's happening
The Reset output of the A-190-4 is controlled by Midi Start/Stop messages.
These messages have to be transmitted to the A-190-4. Otherwise the Reset
will not react. Details in the A-190-4 user's manual.
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer