On the Doepfer site go to: Prices, scroll down to: Klinkenbuchse
3.5mm / 3.5 mm jack socket print version (almost at the bottom -
thats the "Doefper jacks" and for only 1 Euro.
--- In
, "c45a6 <clone45@h...>"
<clone45@h...> wrote:
> Hallo!
> Well, I know I've asked this question before, but I never got a
response. No worries, I know I'm a little off topic.
> I'm building a module for my Doefper A-100. Does anyone know which
jacks (manufacturer/part number) are used by Doepfer, Analog
Solutions, or Analog Systems Are there any other jacks that could
do the job I'd like to solder the jacks directly onto the PCB board
like they do. The jacks should be threaded like Doepfer's too.
> Thanks!
> - Bret