I just checked and both the Doepfer website and Schneiders show the regulator
sticking out, so I guess it's "well known" :) still I think one should not rely
on being able to use the airspace of the neighboring module...
as said, it's easy to fix for me, but I consider it a defect.
On 24.12.2016 23:46, Jacco Ville
1 wrote:
> Hello,
> I know of this issue, I used some pliers to bend the alloy cooling body. Careful
> not to bend near the IC, just somewhere halfway.
> Greetings
> Jacco
> Sent from my IPhone.
> Op 24 dec. 2016 om 23:34 heeft Vladimir Pantelic
> <mailto:
> 1 <
> <mailto:
>> het volgende geschreven:
>> got myself an xmas present, an A-156 Dual Quantizer and I noticed that the 7805
>> regulator sticks out beyond the panel.
>> see here:
>> nothing I can't fix myself, but somebody else might have racked it as-is and
>> shorted something out on the module next to it...
>> Regards,
>> Vladimir