Hello Steve
From that video it is possibile that a pitch knob is somehow noisy.
Another possibility might be, that the power bus in your rack is somehow
influenced. This may happen with so called "switching power supplies" if
another module causes sudden load changes on the power bus. This will
not happen with original Doepfer power supplies.
It would be interesting whether the A-111 still shows these pitch
changes, when there is no other module mounted in the corresponding
frame or no other module is supplied by this power supply respectively.
Am 09.01.2017 um 14:28 schrieb Steve Jenkins:
> Hi Florian,
> here’s a link to the video file which shows the issue … appreciate your comments.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vbg63xisf1o40tj/IMG_7696.m4v dl=0
> Best wishes
> Steve