Please contact our A-190-1 specialist Matthias Marass directly
Best wishes
Dieter Doepfer
> Hello,
> my A190 mcvs recently started to malfunction. It freeze sometimes
> and after some seconds all the leds start blinking. After a reset
> it restart but still malfunctioning after some time.
> I think the eeprom 24c16 can be defective so I replace it but at
> this point the module is totally off. I try also to replace the
> cpu with a new one without success. When I reinstall the original
> 24c16 the module is malfunctioning but with the new one is totally ko.
> I have the complete service manual because I bought it many years
> ago when I started with eurorack modulars. The components of the
> schematic of the 190 is a little bit different from what I found
> in my module, the eeprom was 24c02 and also the eprom is half of
> memory capacity.
> Anyone have a suggestion for troubleshooting Maybe I have to
> replace the eprom My module is old and out of production...
> Fabio
> Italy