Hello Bakis,
He will gladly send you the software needed for updating which works really great from your PC.
You already noticed the USB port at the back of the A157.
I did both of mine in less than 10 minutes, no hassle.
Just unzip, USB from PC to A157 board, click on the icons at your screen and of you go!
No additional software required.
Good luck
Jacco Ville
The Netherlands.
Sent from my IPhone.
are there any firmware updates already
and how do we update the firmware
i saw the USB port in the back of the A157-1, but what is the procedure exactly
these questions are for Jacco, or for Dieter. :-)
best regards,
Thank you, already got it for some time by Christian from Doepfer.
Don't forget to update the firmware.
It's really getting better everytime.
Best regards
Jacco Ville
Sent from my IPhone.
in case you did not notice, the 'complete' version of the A157-1/2/3 user's manual is now online, at the top of the A157-1/2/3 page in the Doepfer website!
Bakis Sirros - Parallel Worlds | 1 group owner | www. parallel - worlds - music. com | www. facebook. com/ parallelworldsmusic | www. DiN. org. uk