Dieter - Please consider the option of making the variable CV in (on modules that have them) work so if the input attenuator is turned all the way up, that input tracks at 1v/Oct. This is a very convenient and useful alternative too.
> On Oct 27, 2017, at 2:09 AM,
1 <
> wrote:
> Hello Roland,
> I took a look at the A-110-4 circuit and have to correct my last statement.
> The bus CV concept of the A-110-4 is also version 1. I wrote that only
> A-110-1 uses version 1. That was wrong, also A-110-4 uses version 1.
> I have to agree that the bus CV concept of the several VCOs is not
> consistent. It has to do with the fact that the different VCOs were designed
> over a period of 20 years and that we tried to react to the customers
> likings. For future designs (and redesigns of older modules) we plan to
> install jumpers where the customer can choose the type bus normalling
> (version 1 or 2). The same applies also to bus gate signals.
> I should probably prepare a table that informs about the normalling version
> of the different VCOs.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer