Hi Del,
the specs are per rail, you don't add the currents for different
voltages. It's fine to load +12V and -12V to 200mA each, simultaneously.
In order to get the total power consumption you must first convert from
current to power, ie 200mA @ 12V = 2.4W, 200mA @ -12V = 2.4W, 50mA at 5V
= 0.25W. So if you run all three rails to the recommended maximum
loading capacity you will draw apprx 5W, which is below or at the limit
of the external AC to AC adaptor (assuming 12VAC 5W, and not taking into
account converter efficiency). Things might start to get warm, but won't
blow up :)
On 31/01/18 21:18,
1 wrote:
> I’m sure the following question will have been posed to this august forum several times in the past but I haven’t been able to track down a definitive respone. My question is:
> The specification for the Doepfer A-100MNT mini power supply states that the ‘maximum current loading capacity is 200 mA for +12 V and –12V, and 50 mA for the +5 V supply’. I understand this to mean that the maximum load for this power supply recommended by Doepfer is 250 mA e.g. 110mA +12 V, 90 mA -12 V, 50 mA +5 V.
> However, I’ve found several examples online of Doepfer ‘Beauty Case’ configurations with module configurations that greatly exceed 200 mA total for 12 V load e.g. some of the well-known Amazona ‘Dark Energy’ add-on cases.
> Have I interpreted the specification incorrectly Should it say ‘maximum current loading capacity is 200 mA for +12 V, 200 mA for –12V, and 50 mA for the +5 V supply’ (although a more powerful mains adapter that the one provided with the ‘Beauty Case’ would be required to run the A-100MNT that ‘hot’).
> Or Have I have interpreted the specification correctly and it’s just that the configurations I’ve seen with 12V loads in excess of 300 mA are running way, way ‘hot’.
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