Thanks, the cables are all recent doepfer
Not sure to know how to do this experiment though I will try.
Which GND do you refer to
Just the one of the audio 2 (the source which feeds the A138s) or the multed audio 1 as well
Audio 2 is from a DPO mounted on a A-100P9 PSU3
Audio 1 is from a Bastl Instruments SoftPop, which in the meanwhile went back to the dealer to be replaced for another kind of issue. I had noticed some electricity at fingers while touching the side panels of its case. It probably is not properly grounded, though it shows some sockets for grounding.
Best wishes,
> Il giorno 12 giu 2018, alle ore 14:54,
1 <
> ha scritto:
> As external audio signals are involved it maybe a grounding problem. Make
> sure that the cables that are used to connect the modules to the external
> signals carry GND (there are patch cables available without GND, as long as
> one patches within the case no problems occur, but with external signals the
> GND is missing). And I don't know if all WMD sockets are grounded. In some
> modules (yes, also in some older A-100 modules :-) the GND of some sockets
> is not connected as it does not matter if all modules are connected to the
> same GND.
> You may try also the following: connect the GND of the A-100LC3 temporarily
> to the GND of the signal source unit (at the A-100LC3 there should be an
> unused GND terminal on the bus board). If then the problem disappears it's a
> grounding issue.
> It's just an idea. Not sure if this is the reason.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von:
>> Gesendet: Dienstag, 12. Juni 2018 14:06
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: 1 Interferences from A-138s into LC6
>> Hi thanks everybody for replying
>> The situation was vague indeed, sorry, though the patch is very basic
>> The case is just 1 row (LC3)
>> As you can see by the colours on the following screenshot, the
>> multed audio 1 signal (red cable) is slightly affected by the
>> audio 2 signal (blue cable), as we turn CW the A-138s channel volume knob.
>> Nothing else is patched/ engaged.
>> I unfortunately have no means nor expertise for measuring anything.
>> ASAP I will first try installing the multiple on another case.
>> Best, Diego
>> Il giorno 12 giu 2018, alle ore 10:25, John Hollis
1 <
>> ha scritto:
>> Hi Diego,
>> It does sound like there might be a short between the adjacent
>> modules. Can you check for that
>> Thanks
>> John
>>> On 12 Jun 2018, at 08:57,
>> <
> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> the A-138s is a very simple module (just a standard mixer circuit with
>>> operational amplifiers) and I have no idea how the signal could
>> crosstalk to
>>> any other module.
>>> Best wishes
>>> Dieter Doepfer
>>>> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
>>>> Von:
> [mailto:
>>> Gesendet: Montag, 11. Juni 2018 15:09
>>> An:
>>> Betreff: 1 Interferences from A-138s into LC6
>>> Hello, I have a WMD buffered multiple which suffers from A-138s
>>> mixer interferences, both powered by an LC6 Doepfer case. Is the
>>> WMD faulty or its cable A-138s output can be heard on the WMD,
>>> unless knob's fully CCW. I also see that the multed signal is
>>> louder that the original one. Any hint is welcome.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Diego
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