Andy, WOW! That worked!!! I had no idea. I find the manual confusing and never realized that was the problem. Even now I was trying to figure out how to set this (reading the manual) and it took quite a while but now all is good! No idea how it ever got changed but it probably happened when I was first fooling around with it… over 5 years ago.
Thanks VERY much!
Sent: Saturday, December 8, 2018 5:30 PM
Subject: 1 Re: A-190-4 midi to cv legato mode
What do you have the reference note set to
I'm not familiar with the A-190-1, but on the A-190-2, I press the button to get into Learn mode, then press a key to send the lowest note I want to be able to play ("reference note"). It then accepts 5 complete octaves, starting from that note - so if it was a C, it would play 5 octaves from C to C, but if I set a B, it would play B to B.
- Andy
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