On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, ps_minor <
> wrote:
> anybody go seen or heard anything about new modules in
> action
> wonder if there's any progress w TKB..
Yeah, I was there... the all-blue LED A100 was beautiful.
The 154's functionality can't be beat. At one point we had the ribbon
controller CV into the step address CV, and Dieter was moving through the
sequence by sliding back and forth on the ribbon, then tapping to skip to
specific steps!
I didn't hear the morphing filter, but the feature set is incredible.
The SSM filter doesn't really interest me, so I didn't get much info.
The TKB is in a period of re-thinking. There's been a lot of conflicting
user feature suggestions, and it all needs to be worked through and
decided what should go in and what shouldn't. The TKB at the show wasn't
terribly representative of what we'll eventually see.