just a thought regarding wish-list modules.
i wonder how difficult it really is to make an analog delay
(moogerfooger=$$!!) which allows CV to influence parameters
such as delay time and regen... seems pretty straightforward.
but in a perfect world, what i would wish for is a delay which
allows externally triggerred 'multitap' delays (think a155). i'm
guessing this kind of control would require the delay to be
digital.... if so, fine!!
another nice feature would be an external loop which could route
the feedback through an external module like ring mod or vcf in
order to create echoes that change timbre as they fade.
anyway, multitap and ext feedback loop aside..
most simply, one application of a simple CV controlled delay
would be to have the delay time respond to pitch CV so high
notes have short delay, low notes have long delay. (add a
pitch-to-CV module and it could be tracked by any monophonic
sound source).
another example would be to simulate tape warble by
connecting an envelope follower to the delay time input (w regen
set to zero).
fairly basic but fun.
...but please, add an external multitap trigger input and ext
feedback loop and i'd be in delay heaven.