There is a way to self oscillate a Doepfer ADSR if you have a tirgger modifier
module as well. I do it all the time:
Positive out of ADSR into Trigger Mod.
Pulse out of Modifer into Retrigger in of ADSR
Put a cotat high voltage oce ito the gate iput of the ADSR ad remove it before
the cycle eds.
bingo - you've got an LFO.
As far as a mod to self osc, this would be easy:
Output of the ADSR through a comparitor, going into the - in. The comp. +
reference set just a tad above ground (really really close to ground). Output of
that through a switch to turn it off and on, output of that to a diode to the gate
or retrigger input.
This will give you an AR LFO as well. It's a pain to self cycle an ADSR,
because it needs sustained gate input to complete the last two phases.
this should do it.
--- In
, "Tim Stinchcombe <timothy@t...>" <
timothy@t...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> This morning I was having a quick look through the new Analogue
> Systems group and noticed a comment that Bakis made about not being
> able to get Doepfer envelope generators to auto-repeat. So, thinking
> cap on and schematic of A-140 in hand I sat down, and after some
> while I came up with a simple way to do it. With an extra diode,
> resistor and op amp I have lashed it up on some breadboard and have
> been playing with it for the last hour or so, and it seems to do the
> job. All it does is sense when the envelope has got down to the
> sustain level, and then generates a pulse that is fed back into the A-
> 140 retrigger input, and hey-presto, auto-repeat!
> A little more thought suggested that the op amp currently used for
> the inverted envelope output could be used to do this - thus with a
> few pins, cutting a track or two, add a couple more components, and
> this could be turned into a nice little mod to the module. The
> new 'sustain level reached' signal would be output at the old
> inverted output and fed back to the re-trigger input for auto-repeat -
> if this was taken through an A-150 switch one could also select its
> use via voltage control.
> I haven't worked out the full details yet, but I expect it would be
> about the same complexity as what I suggested to fix the problem with
> the A-150 (anybody else actually had a go at doing that by the way ).
> I thought I'd run it by people first to see what the interest is, if
> any (what might seem simple to some may not be so for others...!).
> (On the other hand I might just buy another A-140 and do it anyway.)
> As for the A-141, I note that there are currently two unused op amps
> already on the board, so it's conceivable that the same sort of trick
> might work with it too - I'll have a ponder on that too.
> Cheers,
> Tim