Hi Neil,
> with regards to the a110 VCOs,
> i had a close inspection of the units and the PCBs, after about 15
> minutes of scrutinising i noticed two boxes printed and labelled
> cv. one at the bottom right handside, near to the blue adjustment
> and the other at the top left near to where the mini jack for cv
> comes in.
> these were both unconnected to anything and had clearly never been
> (holes were perfectly clean, no old solder traces etc) and it was
> the same on all three VCOs.
> as an experiment i wired them together on one of the units and hey
> presto, full cv response.
> can anyone confirm that these points should in actual fact have a
> wire conencting them together before i go ahead and connect and
> solder them properly.
> i suspect so but just would like to check.
When I popped one of my A-110s out last night I only scanned the
_top_ of the PCB for a jumper, like on the A-140, but didn't see one.
It looks like the box next to the bus connector is a provision for a
jumper, but Doepfer don't fit it (you'll notice one pad doesn't go
anywhere, the other goes direct to the bus connector). On both my A-
110s there is a wire connecting these points on the underside of the
PCB - if your stuff is second-hand, maybe the previous owner had
removed them That the wire is on the underside would also probably
explain why the holes look 'clean'. So, yep, I'm sure that is the