Reading about what John wants to do with his system I just couldn't help
opening the planner and drawing up what I would have started with now with
the experience I now have. I also wanted a system for experimentation and
doing stuff my digitals couldn't do when I began and maybe the term wrong is
to strong but there certainly are some modules that I have not used that
much. So I just put in the modules that I use the most here in my sketch. I
know some guys will propagate for more LFOs, more ADSRs and such and I sure
hope you do. The advice that I always finds most useful is the kind of
advice that goes with a motivation.
My sketchsystem here only have one thing in plenty and that is soundsources.
Why Well I do a lot of sounds from a clean cratch system and I always find
it useful to first just set up a few waveforms and see how they interact.
The A110 I just left out cause I honestly don't like them. As goes for the
rest of my system here I have gone for variation. It is always good to have
many colors in you palette right from the start. You never miss stuff more
than that you have never tried ;) Finally there is intentionally left a gap
to fill just cause I think it is a good idea have some room to fill when you
realized (that Andreas fellow was so off I need two more ADSRs) what modules
you need more off. Of course you can just buy another frame for this
purpose. And if you should be true to this approach you should make it one
A111 from the start, but really that is only like a 3/4s VCO without sync
and FM possibilities.
Hope the list accepts attachement or this will be such a lame mess =)
Enjoy, flame and critizise me boy =)
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