nope...the a155 starts from step 2 even when i send it
the a190 reset signal to the a155 reset input.
--- Florian Anwander <
> Hi Joe
> > The A-155 as mentioned always resets to step 1 and
> starts at step 2.
> I don't own the A-155, but I think this is normal
> for counter like also the
> A-161. A clock-transient at the counters clock-input
> causes the counter to
> advance for one step. If the counter was resetted
> before, it stands now at
> step 1 and the first advance will go to step 2.
> I think the sequencer should start fine at the step
> 1, if you send the
> start stop signal also to the reset input. If reset
> does not go for the
> transient, but for the level, then send the
> Start/Stop-signal through a
> A-162 set to minimum.
> Florian
synthfreak(parallel worlds)
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