Now I´m worried about my A-100, cause it also has a little brown liquid
(already dried) on the inner back side of the frame. I suppose that´s
because I had the modular running with an overloaded my PSU for a few
months. Normally the PSU should provide 650mA, but my modules consumed
then minimum 700 mA. One side-effect was unstable VCOs, might the brown
sauce in the case be another For god´s sake nothing else happended.
(Unlike my old organ where a dry electrolyt capacitor exploded afew
years ago... first a boom, then lots of smoke... but that´s another
story ;-)
neilwight wrote:
> working in my studio today when i heard a strange hiss which then
> became really loud and was followed by a lot of smoke from the back
> of my a100.
> ran over and switched off the power and dragged it out of the room
> leaving a trail of extremely acrid smoke behind me thats still there
> over 2 hours later. yuck.
> opened up the unit outside to find that the inside of the
> transformer (the part that the plug goes into and that the on/off
> switch is connected to. not the power board) had melted. there was a
> small puddle of brown liquid on the inside which was a pain to clean
> off.
> anyways. unit still works thankfully but not too keen to run it
> until i replace the part.
> has anyone else encountered this
> it had only been on for 4 hours, it should be able to handle this
> shouldnt it
> its a bit of a worry as i have quite a big studio and was nearly
> gonna break for tea. 10 minutes later and ive have been in the other
> room and then who knows what could have happened. fire fire fire.
> its also running from its own outlet. no blown fuses etc.
> where can i get a replacement from. anyone got any ideas etc for me.
> thanks, neil
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