Hi John, Got my A166 yesterday and it's already one of my favorite
modules. Based on Boolean logic it's great in conjunction with the
A160 and A161 to create rhythmical pattern from a simple clock
signal. Using the different outputs and the inverter will enable you
to get different patterns which are interwoven and thus coming up
with a quite interesting rhythmical structure.
On how it works: Whenever all inputs receive a positive signal the
AND output will send a clock/trigger signal. (Any level greater than
2 V is defined as a positive siganl.) If one or two of the three
inputs receive a signal there will be a clock/trigger signal at the
OR and XOR output. Exception: if all three inputs get a signal at
the same time only the OR output pass a signal. The inputs are
normalized enbbling you to combine 2 as well as 3 signals. Since you
have 2 units it makes sense to make use of both of them within the
very same patch.
Actually there is pdf file on the Doepfer site including a patch. I
couldn't open it today but did so a few days ago so it should be a
temporary problem.
Regards Ilanode
--- In
, "jmaddocks1975"
<jmaddocks1975@y...> wrote:
> Hi all,
> What's this dual logic module all about
> I've read about it on the doepfer website but could do with a
> explanation, anyone got one :-D
> Any example patches I could use it for
> Thanks
> John.