Speaking of the MAQ. I read on the doepfer site that it originally
didn't have the quantizer on the cv output. Appearently in the latest
OS it has. Is there some way I can switch this off I want to try out
these vowel sounds on the 127 that the manual goes on about, but
that's rather hard to do when the MAQ keeps quantizing.
--- In
, "Joe Buechler"
<buechlerjoe@t...> wrote:
> > Well, well, well!
> >
> > Finally I have become an A100 owner and it feels simply grand!
> > Suddenly, the sun seems to shine just a little brighter and the
> birds
> > seem to sing just a little sweeter :-)
> Welcome
> > I do have a quick question for someone who has a Maq 16/3 racked
> > with the A100: Since the CV/Gate outs for the back are on the
> > of the unit and the CV/Gate inputs are on the front of the A100,
> > what is the best way to integrate these two seamlessly Would it
> > make sense to drill through the back of the A100 and attach the
> > to a Multiple or is there a more elegant solution Bus access
> > module perhaps
> I use an audio patchbay with my A100 and Regelwerk, which also has
> the CV/Gate outputs on the rear.
> > If anyone just happens to be curious on the final module
> > configuration I selected for my first system, I'd be happy to
> > it as an Excel or text file.
> Please do.
> Joe