hi tim,
it's better for dan to contact his doepfer dealers or
roland mayer,as dieter is away from the office until
22 of april.
--- Tim Stinchcombe
> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> We've had this discussion in the past, and there
> seems to be a
> difference in opinion as to what type of fuse to
> use. In mine (I'm UK
> based) the fuses are marked 'T100mA', which makes
> them 'time lag'
> (or 'slo-blo') fuses. The point of them being
> time-lag is to ensure
> that they don't blow at the moment of turn on, when
> an inevitable
> surge in current occurs. If the replacements you
> used were not 'T'
> types, then this may be why they blew immediately.
> On the other hand,
> you may of course actually have a problem somewhere
> with something
> drawing too much current! However, other list
> members have suggested
> using fast blow types as an added precaution.
> Probably best to
> contact your local distributor; but come to think
> about it, perhaps
> if Dieter is listening in, he can put us straight
> once and for all !
> Tim
> --- In
, "danielthouin"
> <danielthouin@h...> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am a new user from Montreal, Canada.
> > The fuse that came with my A-100 blowed and it was
> a 0.1 Ma.
> > I replaced it with another 0,1 and it blowed
> again and again.
> > Now I have put a 0.5 and it seems fine but I don't
> want to blow
> > somethingelse.
> > Anybody with a clue
> > Thanks
> > Dan
synthfreak(parallel worlds)
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