--- Dieter Doepfer <
> wrote:
> From: "Dieter Doepfer" <
> To: "Bakis Sirros" <
> Subject: A-100 fuses
> Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 17:39:22 +0200
> Dear Bakis,
> please forward to the group ...
> > We've had this discussion in the past, and there
> seems to be a
> > difference in opinion as to what type of fuse to
> use. In mine (I'm UK
> > based) the fuses are marked 'T100mA', which makes
> them 'time lag'
> > (or 'slo-blo') fuses. The point of them being
> time-lag is to ensure
> > that they don't blow at the moment of turn on,
> when an inevitable
> > surge in current occurs. If the replacements you
> used were not 'T'
> > types, then this may be why they blew immediately.
> On the other hand,
> > you may of course actually have a problem
> somewhere with something
> > drawing too much current! However, other list
> members have suggested
> > using fast blow types as an added precaution.
> Probably best to
> > contact your local distributor; but come to think
> about it, perhaps
> > if Dieter is listening in, he can put us straight
> once and for all !
> Yes, he is listening :-)
> 230V systems: 100/125mA or 0.1A/0.125A slow blow or
> T100mA/T125mA (German word
> for slow blow = traege)
> 115V systems: 200/250mA or 0.2A/0.25A slow blow or
> T200mA/T250mA
> As the main current for 115V is twice the current
> for 230V versions the fuse
> value has to be doubled. Normally all 230V systems
> are equipped with T100mA and
> 115V systems are equipped with T200mA fuses.
> Remark: The wrong fuse (e.g. 100mA instead of 200mA
> in a 115V system) may not
> blow immediately and a system may work for months or
> even years without
> problems. E.g. at the NAMM 2001 all systems were
> equipped with wrong fuses
> (T100mA instead af T200mA). But only the fuses in
> systems with headphone modules
> (A-139) blew if high A-139 levels were used. All
> other systems worked well
> during the NAMM even with the wrong fuses. So it
> even depens upon the total
> current of all modules in the system if the (wrong)
> fuse will blow or not. We
> recommend all user's of 115V systems to look if 200
> or 250mA fuses are
> installed. Obviously some 115V systems with wrong
> fuses were shipped as the
> failure was not recognized during the final test of
> the system. We have sent
> 200mA fuses for free to all representatives in "115V
> countries". So you can get
> a fuse for free with your next module order :-) in
> case that have a 115V frame
> with a wrong fuse.
> Dieter Doepfer
synthfreak(parallel worlds)
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