Crikey, it gets worse! Discovered there are actually *two* reviews
there. In the second it says:
"The actual electronics inside look as simple as can be, without a
transistorized chip or circuit board in sight."
That seems to rule it out as anything as elaborate as a filter! So
does it just mix the output of the other pedal straight back into
it's input, via the pot maybe So for your $150 you get a box with
some fancy graphics, a few jacks and a knob . I'm even more intrigued
> > perhaps something that combines Death by Audio's TSA:
> >
> tml
> What a truly awful web page. Not only do you have to mess around
> trying to work out how to actually *see* the text so that you can
> read it, but then it doesn't even tell *what* the product is! And
> this guy expects people to buy stuff from him He needs to take
> lessons on PR/marketing/presentation. Eventually discovered the
> review, where it says it is 'a simple feedback loop circuit into
> which you connect the other pedals in your setup'. So, some sort of
> filter ( ) into which you can introduce what you want into the
> feedback path (which some Doepfer filters currently allow). Phil,
> you shed any more light on what it actually is (Do you have one )
> Tim