Well if there is more interest I could consider to build some of them (after
I have included the 12V -> 5V solution), I guess it cost me some 40 Euro's
(components only), of which the 10 chassis parts (in/out connectors) are the
most expensive (I paid 1,5 Euro each).
but I can certainly make a short description of this building project an
include a schematic, it is really quite simple
in what format would this be preferred and at what location should I store
nb: I thought there was some sort of DIY section on the Yahoo A100 site, but
couldn't find it....anybody knows more
----- Original Message -----
From: "David Salter" <
To: <
Sent: Friday, May 09, 2003 2:45 PM
Subject: RE: 1 Manual Trigger/Thru DIY project
> Eric,
> very nice work, and useful too.
> Not being that up on electronics, any chance of a schematic
> Or maybe you fancy making a few and selling them
> Regards
> David Salter
> Tel: +44 20 7542 2402
> Mob: +44 7990562402
> Fax: +44 20 7542 2699
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Quantum Productions [mailto:
> Sent: 09 May 2003 13:16
> To:
> Subject: 1 Manual Trigger/Thru DIY project
> Hi all
> Just wanted to let you know that I just finished one of my do it
> yourself
> modules for the A-100
> this one is a 'Manual Trigger / Thru' module
> This module has 6 sections, of which 4 are a manual trigger/thru
> (top
> section) and 2 are a manual trigger only (bottom section)
> ** Manual Trigger/thru
> has a INput, a manual momentary pushbutton and an OUTput
> if nothing is connected to the input, the output gives a +5V
> trigger each
> time the manual button is pushed (and as long as it is pushed,
> so it can
> operate as a gate as well)
> if there is something connected to the input, the output gets
> the throughput
> of this each time (and as long as) the manual button is pushed
> ** Manual Trigger
> this only has the push button and the OUTput, as soon as you
> press the
> button the output gives a +5V trigger
> usually you connect another trigger/gate/clock source to the
> INput of the
> Manual trigger/thru, to enable this to be throughput with the
> button
> what do I do with this module
> well, it is not a revolutionary design or high risk DIY project,
> but for me
> it is quite an invaluable tool
> because I can produce (max) 6 triggers manually, with which I
> can start
> Envelopes, start/stop or clock the sequencer, switch a VC-Switch
> or
> Sequential Clock, trigger a next sample/hold, reset an LFO,
> switch from one
> sequencer to another (by means of a VCS or Seq switch) etc etc
> this means that I can start, change or stop all kind of sound
> effects and
> patterns with only a couple of pushes on buttons, and I don't
> need any
> keyboard (which I would like to keep for the usual playing)
> at this moment it can only be mounted in a rack with the +5V
> power source
> (such as the basic system with midi) I do take the +5V from the
> bus directly
> but I will expand the module with a simple circuit to create a
> +5V source
> from the standard +12 V power
> at the yahoo A100 site, I have put a couple of pictures of this
> module, in
> the Photo Albums section in the album called Manual Trig/Thru
> you can identify the Manual Trig/Thru sections (IN-red
> pushbutton-OUT) and
> the Manual Trig sections (black pushbutton-OUT) easily
> if you want to know more about this project, please don't
> hesitate to ask
> more projects are in preparation
> Eric
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