> you don't like the vocoder modules i use a complete set
> of a129-modules and i think they sound fabulous.
i only have the 129 1/2 modules. i suspect that id have to look at getting
more of the series to find them as usefull as they should be. most of the
time they just spend patched into one anohther, and i dont find output mega
impressive in this way. someone said that the voiced unvoiced module (i
think it was that anyway) is pretty much a necessity to bring the module to
life. Would you agree with that And what would you suggest for just the
192 1/2 by itself Or do i have to get additional 129 modules to see it
> maybe i know a person who would buy your a129-modules,
im not so interested in cash. it tends to just dissapear too easy.. id
rather keep it in doepfer modules, and selling 2nd hand and then buying new
seems like a bad idea... id rather swap 2nd hand for 2nd hand.. that way its
just a trade and evreyone keeps the same cash value, but just increases the
utility value (for them) of their system.
> ingo