only one thing regarding the maximum frequency of the a154.
the max frequency is a really important issue, thinking about
the a196 pll module and the a155 as graphic oscillator.
this is only an example:
a154 max frequency of 2000 hz means
a155 max frequency of 250 hz, when used as 8 step oscillator,
which would be pretty low.
or do i get something wrong here
best wishes
--- In
, Bakis Sirros
<synth_freak_2000@y...> wrote:
> dieter says:
> "The A-107 will probably go into production end of
> July. Normally the first A-107 would be available end
> of August/early in September. But as our production
> company has works holidays for 3 weeks in August we
> will probably have to add 2 or 3 weeks for the
> shipment date of the first A-107.
> Important note concerning A-154: We still discussed
> the audio frequency problem of the A-154 with
> Christian last Friday. And my last information was
> wrong: The clock generator of the A-154 will not be
> able to generate audio frequencies. But if an external
> clock is used moderate audio frequencies will be
> possible. This is because the address generation of
> the A-154 works as an interrupt subroutine that is
> triggered by the clock input socket. We will find out
> the max. frequency for ext. clock as soon as Christian
> is back from holidays.
> The prototypes of the A-172 Max/Min module and A-133
> VC polarizer module work as expected and I suppose
> that they will be available together with the A-107.
> The A-154 sequencer controller, the first SOU module
> A-149-1, the A-167 Comparator, the A-196 PLL and the
> revised A-138 mixer (with offset and inverse output
> feature) will probably follow with the next production
> series. We also experiment with a wave multiplier
> circuit (similar to the Serge module) but I have no
> detailed information so far.
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer"
> bakis.
> =====
> synthfreak(parallel worlds)
> athens-greece
> 1 group owner
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