A while back a group member (Peter Grenader) posted that he
was playing with the A116 VC Waveform Processor and an A150 VC
Switch, and while doing so he discovered an unexpected result.
It seems that the unused side of the A150 has a bit of a bleed
through problem when the input voltage exceeds the switch limit,
which can be used with good results.
I applied that method, but instead of an A116, I used the A136
I posted an MP3 and JPG of the basic patch in the "Files" section (on
the left).
The files are called "A136_A150_Harmonics.MP3"
and "A136_A150_Harmonics.jpg"
The MP3 includes the A136 on its own, and then the A136 through the
PS - Apologies to those that have read this post on another group.