dieter says:
"it will probably take 3 months or more until the
module(a152)will go into production as we have a lot
of other projects to complete (A-154, A-137, A-149-2,
A-101-1, A-101-2, A-101-3, Hammond Keyboard, MIDI
Ribbon ....). As some members will guess the A-152 is
a by-product of the A-154.
And I have some bad news too: our manufacturer
informed us yestserday that the silk screen of all pc
boards of the new modules (A-133, A-149-1, A-167,
A-172, A-196) is completely wrong. The pcb
manufacturer somehow printed the components overlay
completely wrong. The assembly company asked if they
should assemble the boards nevertheless. We believe
that for electronics in a closed housing we could
accept this but not for the modules because they can
be seen from the users too. So we insist that the pc
boards are manufactured again with the correct silk
screen. This will cause a delay of about one week as
the pcb manufacturer promised to to re-produce the pc
boards immediately."
Bakis Sirros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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