--- Dieter Doepfer <
> wrote:
> From: "Dieter Doepfer" <
> To: "Bakis Sirros" <
> Subject: AW: 1 Re: info from doepfer
> regarding the a101-2 low-pass gate module.
> Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 12:59:06 +0100
> Please forward
> > The day Mr. Doepfer's a101-2 lopass gate goes
> on sale I will
> > definitely order at least one, maybe more.
> > Since I am in a tight space and its great to
> have lots of lopass
> > gates, I would personally love to see a couple of
> them squeezed into
> > a single 8hp panel. If the design is just a Buchla
> clone, then this
> > should be possible, since it would require one
> pot, three jacks and
> > one switch per gate. If one of the gates has an
> extra resonance
> > pot, it might still be possible to fit two on an
> 8hp panel. The
> > space is a bigger concern to me than the cost.
> Of course it would be possible to "squeeze" two
> maybee three gates to a
> single 8 HP front panel.
> But this would contradict to the A-100 concept with
> attenuators for the CV
> and audio inputs. If you connect e.g. a LFO to the
> CV input you would have
> always the same range unless you use an external
> attenuator. For the audio
> input we want to introduce the distortion feature.
> Without attenuator one
> would always obtain a distorted signal.
> But of course we could built a module without input
> attenuators if the
> majority of the users prefer this version (remark
> for Bakis: maybe a poll
> will make sense, e.g. input attenuators yes/no,
> resonance yes/no, distortion
> possibility yes/no, gate inputs to switch between
> LP/VCA/both yes/no, output
> attenuators/mixer yes/no)
> .....
> > Its great to be a witness to all of Mr.
> Doepfer's incredibly
> > prolific creativity. Somehow, I think this is very
> likely to be the
> > stuff of legend in a few years.
> I hope (and I'm sure) that we will be still on the
> market. That's better
> than to become a legend :-)
> Best wishes
> Dieter Doepfer
Bakis Sirros
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