dieter says:
"We will probably include the LEDs in the A-101-2 and
-3 too. But the A-101-1 is the only module that
already exists as prototype and where we could test
the additional LEDs. We are a bit conservative with
promises we may not keep. For the A-101-2 the
additional LED should be no problem (as only 2 vactrol
LEDs in connected series and a third LED as for the
A-101-1 should be no problem). But we are not sure if
it will work with the A-101-3 as 6 serial vactrols are
used and a seventh LED may cause troubles due to the
LED voltage as the total for all LED voltages cannot
go beyond 12V due to technical reasons of the
logarithmical LED current source used in the A-101-3.
Maybe even the 6 vactrol LEDs will cause problems and
we will have to add the circuit. We will see. If it is
no problem of course we will add the LED for the
Bakis Sirros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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