Heres me thinking again about how i can get the a100 more portable.
I was just looking into some other electronics, and was considering a couple
of 12v sealed lead acid batteries to power it. Then i looked at my a100...
Say a couple of 7Ah batteries. Now, im presuming that the 600mA psu's in
the G6 racks are 600mA on each rail (and not 300 ). On paper then, the
batteries look as if theye last over 10 hours at a 600mA drain.
Even half that would probably be ample for me though. And, of course this
is looking at a G6 rack running at full capacity.
I think that the sealed lead acid are fairly constant voltage, only dropping
off sharply at the end of their capacity, which would be ideal. The also
have the big advantage of being able to be put on charge / float at any
state of charge (with a 3 stage charger), so you can be sure that, when you
want to use them, the batteries have a full level of charge.
Has anyone thought along these paths before What sort of conclusions did
you reach
Cheers, julian