Thanks David,
Now i would have assumed that itlld be fine without. I thought the current
comming from some batteries would be cleaner then that of other sources Im
remembering an article in a hifi magasine some years ago about some crazy
powering his amplifier from a rediculous number of AA batteries soldered
together, as he thought it gave the best supply.
Yeah, i know we're talking lead acid, rather then alkaline, or possibly it
was the old type then: the one with the carbon rod running throught the
center- i cant rememeber what theyre called, but id suspect itlld be the
same situation
I wouldnt have thought there would even be a switching spike as the
batteries were connected, but, again, i too really dont know. Would it be
essential to connect both positive and nevative rails at exactly the same
time Im thinking that a standard dual gang switch would be fine
Smoothing is somthing that i dont know about. Can anyone else here shed any
light on it
Cheers, Julian
----- Original Message -----
> Julian,
> This is not something I know anything about but you might want to
> consider some kind of smoothing / protection circuitry between the
> batteries and your A100 just in case.
> Rgds
> D. Salter