hello john,
cool music on your site.
i'll send you some stuff soon,
maybe we can come together.
best wishes
p.s. sorry for being off topic here ;-)
i hope that i'll get some new doepfer modules today :-)
i'll be back with my opinions on these soon.
--- In
, "jmaddocks1975"
<jmaddocks1975@y...> wrote:
> Hello All,
> Some months ago we were all discussing our musical tastes, with the
> majority liking experimental electronic music. I mentioned that I
> was starting my own record label and quite a lot of you told me to
> let you all know when it was up and running, well I finally did
> www.shimarecords.co.uk
> Sorry if this has annoyed anyone in this group thinking it is spam
> advertising but I assure you it isn't, I've been a contributing
> member for a few years now and as I said a few members asked for
> this notice.
> Thank you all for your time, and please visit the site.
> John
> www.shimareords.co.uk