hello list,
i've just received some new a100 modules and here
are my thoughts about them.
a107 multitype morphing filter:
this thingy is a really cool design.
there are so many possibilities, i barely scratched
the surface during the first test. the base sound is
typical for a cem-based filter, but there are also
lots of uncommon filtertypes and morphing between
them can create even more unusual filter responses.
the most interesting cem filter i have ever heard.
a must-have for filter-nerds like me :-)
a167 comparator:
very handy. can also be used as subtractor, inverter,
voltage source, offset generator and attenuator.
i use comparators a lot in the digital world, so i
really appreciate this module.
a172 max/min:
also a great utility module. handy for limiting
control voltages for filter resonance or anything
else which can get too nasty sometimes.
a module i would never be able to live without in
the digital world. great to know that we can have
this stuff in the world of analogue modulars too :-)
a149-1 quantized/stored random voltages (sou1):
an advanced fun module. i found myself in love with
the sou1 instantly. i tried to control a whole bunch
of other modules with it simultaneously, like vco pitch,
filter cutoff, filter resonance, lfo speed and envelope decay.
it went out very well and it was surprisingly easy to
get pleasing results. now i hope that the other sou-modules
will become reality too. if they are only half as cool as
the sou1, they are still worth having them.
best wishes