the a112 has got to be a nice starting point for any doepfer granular work..
(why do i never hear that much about the a112 its probably the module
thats caused me to grin the widest when i first started using it...)
----- Original Message -----
From: "selfoscillate" <
To: <
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 3:36 PM
Subject: 1 Re: Granular Processor
> this is something that is more common in digital systems.
> a granular device is usually a sampler, which is able to chop
> a signal into lots of tiny grains. then each grain gets a new
> pitch, a new envelope and a new time position. this way you can
> create completely new sounds out of any audio signal.
> granular synthesis is standard with software like reaktor from
> native instruments for example. i don't know if such a device
> can be developed for an analogue system, because from my
> understanding it is clearly digital. maybe we can achieve similar
> sounds with a combination of the sampler module, the pll and the
> forthcoming vc delay. anyway i think that the digital solution is
> much better for this task.
> best wishes
> ingo
> --- In
, "Bilinger" <x2wm@h...
> > wrote:
> > hi list
> >
> > what is it Granular Processor
> >
> > bye bye
> >
> > alexandre
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