From: Florian Anwander <Florian.Anwander@c...>
Date: Fri Jan 18, 2002 9:51 am
Subject: Re: 1 Variable level waveform output on VCO
Hi Roel
> thought, this is always the same, always fixed. Wouldn't I gain a lot more
> possibilities if the frequency of the waveform could be influenced on the
> output.
You think of a VCA that lowers/rises the Waveform level in proportion to
the note that is played All you need is a VCA that is controlled by the
keyboard voltage.
> And another idea. A switch between octave and semitones on it as well!
> Moog had this on 921a Oscillator driver.
This is more elaborate and costly you might think, since you need high
precisision components. We talked in synth-diy maillist about this some
time ago.
Hé Florian,
Dunno, this is how moog put in in words in their manuel for the 921 VCO: Both fixed and variable levels can be obtained from the front panel output jacks. It sounds exciting, but who does this a effect the waveform output Does this not mean the frequency of the waveform can be changed , but only the volume
I saw that you are the guy who wrote a book on modular synthesis. I studying the book by Allen Strange. But that's a though read!! (Although it's written in understainable english.
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