I recently emailed Dieter Doepfer with this very question. He told
me that the range of the tuning knob is set by the resistor R5,
which is a 1M from the factory. Reducing the value of this resistor
increases the tuning range. The service manual for the A110 on the
A110 info page shows this resistor clearly. When asked to suggest a
value that would give a +/- one fifth (like a minimoog), Mr. Doepfer
suggested a 270k. Alternatively, he suggested a 500k trim pot to
set the range more precisely.
I haven't done this mod yet, but I will let you know what happens
when I do. (When I do it, I also plan on adding extra jacks for the
soft sync and linear FM inputs on the A110 board. Looks like there
is just enough space on the front panel)
--- In
, "dwaldman6" <dwaldman61@c...>
> I have a Basic System 2, with 2 A-110's. I notice that panning
> one oscillator hard left and the other hard right givesonly minor
> separation. Is it possible to detune the oscs to produce a major
> 5th, 6th or 7th