> While we're at it, connecting +5v. to the CV2 switched input would
> make the CV2 knob a wide range tuning knob whenever it is not being
> used as a CV attenuator. Zeroing the CV2 knob and centering the
> fine tuning control would give the nominal pitch. I think I'll try
> this on mine. Does anybody have any ideas of what would be the
> optimal resistor values to use to get a reliable 5v. from the 12v.
> supply without loading it too much
If you're just thinking of adding a resistor in series with the 50k
pot, then it will need to be 70kohm, so 12*50/(50+70)=5V with the pot
at max. Using a 68k resistor will give just a little more than 5V,
and its not too expensive current wise, at just 0.1mA (=12/
(50k+70k)). If you want to arrange it so that it is switched out when
a patch cord is inserted, the hardest part will be cutting the track
in two places underneath the socket, which obviously requires
removing it (it would be easiest to cut the old one out, desolder the
remains of the pins, cut tracks, add resistor plus one wire, solder
in new socket). There are several convenient places to hook-up to the
12V rail.