hello bret,
i would be interested in this module,but as it is from
the US it would cost me almost double it's price just
for shipping and ,most important, CUSTOM
DUTIES!so,it's difficult for me to decide to buy it.if
i was a US a100 user i would buy it for sure.
--- c45a6 <
> wrote:
> Hello friendly Doepfer group!
> I've completed a clocked pattern generation module
> that's compatible
> with Doepfer cases. I'm curious to see if there's
> any demand for it.
> Pictures, sounds, and design documents can be found
> at:
> www.voxglitch.com
> Please let me know what you think!! Thanks!
> - Bret
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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