hello coleman,
if i understand well,you only have two vco's in your
a100,right so then what do you need the bus access
module in your 6u rack if you only have two vco's you
should move the bus access module from the 6u to the
12u rack in the same row as your two vco's.then you
can connect the gate and cv outputs of your a190 to
the gate and cv inputs of your a185 bus access.but if
you only have two vco's in your a100, what would you
need the a185 for,in the first place
--- / / M 3 D I U M / / <
> wrote:
> Cheers, I just received some new modules in a 6U
> case, to accompany my
> 12U case. I have a 190 midi/cv in the smaller 6U,
> but my 2 VCO's are
> in the 12U. I have one bus access in my 6U. Should I
> switch out some
> modules from the 12U and move the 190 to the rack
> with the VCO's, so
> that the 12U system bus is now responding to
> midi/cv. or should I buy
> another bus access for the 12U and keep them
> constantly patched
> Thanks,
> Coleman.
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
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