hello tim,
yes, i have removed this mod on one of my 3 newer
a155's and it behaves just like my older a155's.i'll
remove this mod soon,also, from my other two new
a155's in order to be able to clock them in audio
frequencies in combination with my a196's.
--- Tim Stinchcombe
> wrote:
> Hi Richard,
> > Does anybody the difference in circuit design that
> would cause this
> > effect Can I easily modify my newer A-155 to
> behave the same way
> Newer 155's have a small mod on them, which I
> believe is to stop it
> stepping more than one step when manually clocking
> it (and it's also
> the thing that stops you clocking it very fast!).
> Underneath 'Board 4
> (Controller Board)' (one of the small ones), on your
> newer 155 you
> should see a capacitor and resistor soldered
> together and bridging a
> couple of pins on an IC. I suspect this mod may be
> what stops newer
> ones behaving this way. I know Bakis (for one) has
> removed this mod
> on his 155's, so perhaps if he is listening he can
> quickly try
> clocking it with a sawtooth to see if it does clock
> 'randomly'
> (It'll save me getting my soldering iron out, but I
> will carry on
> looking at it to see if I can figure the exact
> mechanism out...)
> Tim
Bakis Siros
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