> I got a second VCO (a-110) and read that the A-100 bus can be set
> do Internal CV and Gate - to send both VCOs the same CV/Gate
> I do not have a full manual, but I downloaded the A100 "intro" pdf
> from the Doepfer web page and it talks about "altering an internal
> jumper" to set this up. I found the J1 and J2 jumpers between the
> and 8th bus board connectors. With the jumpers connected the
> cv/gate did not seem to work.
A couple of possiblities: what are you using to place the CV/Gate
onto the bus in the first place These bus lines are to allow, say,
an A-190 to supply its CV to A-110s, and its gate to A-140s without
the need for external patch cords (also you can feed signals onto the
bus using an A-185 bus access module). If you have either of these
set-ups and still no joy AND your kit is second-hand, then its
possible the previous owner may have removed a wire link on the A-
110s which is needed (if this is the case, get back to me).
I pulled them out and still no internal
> cv/gate. So my basic question is where do the jumpers get connected
> to make internal cv/gate work
All the jumpers do is split the bus board in half when they are
removed, so that for example you can have *2* A-190s controlling
separate VCOs attached to the (separate) sides of the bus.
Nothing on the bus board is
> labeled "INT.CV" as it appears in the pdf. Also, do I need to do
> specific patching between VCO1 and 2 for this to work Finally, I'm
> using a Kenton Prosolo to control the modular should the Kenton
> work ok for what I'm trying to do
Sorry, don't know much about other synths, but if you are attempting
to send CVs to the A-110s and gate to the A-140 from the Prosolo,
then maybe you do need the A-185!