Hi Paul
> did anyone try to modificate their modules in any way Or do you even
> create your own modules Let us know.
I modified the A-121 12dB State Variable Filter, corresponding to a hint
from Dieter Doepfer (In the original version there is a capacitor which
damps some unwelcome resonating behaviour at very high frequencies, but
this capacitor causes a -6dB decreas in the high frequencies in the
Most of the CV1 Input-sockets (VCOs and VCFs) do not switch off the CV-bus.
I broke up the lines on the PCB and rewired them in the way, that now the
socket is a switching socket.
I tried something similar like the A108 with the A122: I fed back the
resonance after 12dB; this sounds very nice, because at 12dB the resonance
is not as cutting and thin as with 24dB. But since it required a high
effort and switching between the two modes was very complicated, I turned
it back.
I built also some simple Modules for other people: CV- or audio-mixers,
AD-envelope, simple-VCAs, panners, step sequencers.
> #2 is a large multiple consisting of two three-way , one four-way and one
> five-way-multiples.
I made the fifth plug of the A-180 as switching socket, so if I plug in a
jack to the fifth socket, the sockets 1 to 4 are one group and sockets 5-8
are the other group.
Florian Anwander |ConSol* HP-Support
Tel. +49.89.45841-133 |Consulting&Solutions Software GmbH
Fax +49.89.45841-139 |Franziskanerstr. 38, D-81669 München