dieter says:
" Very interesting that nobody voted for "A-143-2
only" so far as this was our favorite (would be only a
bit more expensive than the A-143-1 and include all
features of the A-143-1, and it would avoid the
manufacturing of both modules A-143-1 and -2). So we
will probably manufacture the A-143-1 at first
(version with EOA and EOD output but without
mixer/polarizing mixer and probably with threshold
level control for EOD).
For the keyboard we expected that most users will tend
to 3 or 4 octaves. So the result of the poll is what
we expected (but expected more 3 octave votes and at
least some 2 octave votes too)."
Bakis Siros
Parallel Worlds / Polariton
1 group owner
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