So I had just recently posted that I was having trouble with my 190. I had received it a
month ago but finally got around to plugging a midi cable into it.. I could not get any
gate/clock leds to light. It would select options (config/perform) with the correct led
sequence, and even list the version number; but there was something
wrong.. I opened her up and re checked the cables. I powered up and blew a fuse. I then
replaced the fuse and powered up again and smoke started pouring from the 190.. I
powered down and opened up the 190 and the Q1 transistor (bc549) had pretty much
melted.. the rest of the system is fine, I just checked; so the power supply is okay.. Maybe
this was a faulty 190 I'll return it, or should I try replacing the Q1 transistor Anybody
else have this problem