Greetings; Thanks for the tip...the RS290 is one in particular i
hadn't thought of...what are the max delay times like A future
Doepfer module that i'd love to see is an analog delay (one w/ which
delay time can be modulated -- like the PCM41/42 -- but w/ cv's)...
Thing is, I've got an A/S module, an SY01, and I'm not at all
impressed w/ the LP VCF part of it...the filter slope is way too
steep, so you can't get sweet filter sweeps from it, and the
resonance is similarly an all-or-nothing quantity...not very
musical. This is not a good endorsement, but i happen to be selling
this module on EBay/US+Cda at the moment (18 hp - w/ VCA, AR
EG)...however, this module, by itself, does yield some awesome kick
drum sounds, and analog drum is an area where A/S seems to excell...
--- In
, "mritenburg" <mritenburg@y...>
> --- In
, "braineeter"
> > anyone offer an opinion on the A125 (phase shifter) and the A196
> Hi Glenn,
> I have the phase shifter and I can say that it rocks! You might
> check out the diode filter A102, you maybe add some Analogue
> modules to your rig. I highly suggest the RS290 VC Sampler/Delay.
> Good luck,
> Matthew