Hi Bruno,
I will give you my review.
I have (at this moment) only a system made up of a 6 space and 3 space rack, so it is pretty modest. I will continue to buy
Doepfer products for a number of reasons.
1. the wide variety of modules.
2. the fact that he company cares about the users input and suggestions.
3. I have had NO quality control issues.
4. I find that the combination of sound and flexability is great.
I own a good number of vintage electronic instruments as well as newer ones but I buy new or current equipment only when I
consider it to be quite good. The Doepfer systems are very cost effective and allow one to create one's own instrument that
fills the needs of the user.
I am very happy with the amount of new modules coming out and believe that Doepfer now has a wider range then anyone.
The fact that they are willing to make more unusual products is what got me interested and the fact that they continue to do
this only makes me worry about how much space my system may one day take up.