--- In
, "omegaattraktor"
<omegaattraktor@n...> wrote:
> hello list,
> i noticed my a110 und a111 don't have exactly the same scale. when
> playing over more than 3 octaves the difference becomes audible. is
> there a tuning procedure for the oscillators or is this just the
> normal drift
It's called tracking. It's known that the A110 does not track as
well as the A111. Thats why the A111 is known as the "High End"
oscillator. When you set the range switch for the A110 and tune it,
you pretty much have that octave, the octave above and the octave
below, your milage my vary. If you need to be in other octaves, you
need to set the range switch and tune again.
Don't get me wrong, I use the A110s all the time, but, if you are
looking for stable tracking over multiple octaves, there are better
choices than the A110.