Hi Zahir
I'll answer this private question also to the mailling list, since I
think it is of general interest.
> I read your post about using additional modules to get a better
> vocoder sound. Can you give me an example of what a perfect system
> would be and how it would be patched
| |
EQ Highpass
| |
+ - - - - - - -+ |
| | |
Compressor Carrier |
| | (Synth) |
Noisegate<- - -+ | |
| | |
Analysis-Chain==>Synthesis |
| |
| |
The "EQ" should be an normal three band EQ in your mixing console.
As "Highpass" I use the A123. I tune that way, that only a whisper of
the original signal can be heard; this whisper is added to the vocoded
sound instead of a voice/unvoiced detection.
As Compressor and Noisegate I use external devices, but it is possible
to build them with A119 (Envelopefollower), A175 (Inverter), A170 (Dual
Slewlimiter) and A130 (linear VCA). The sidechain control of the
noisegate is optional and would require an additional group of
A119/A120/A130 as separate noisegates.