Hello....did you regularly write letters to "Polyphony" did you live in Gaithersburg MD Were
you a member of an electonic music club headed by Jim Finch Just wondering if you are the same
person. I remember conversing with a David Vosh years ago and he had a column called "Vosh
Voltage". in the club paper. Thanks for reading this.
Regards Timothy Adams
> In a message dated 7/5/2004 4:26:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> >
> > take the 24db output and go into a multiple. then go from
> > the multiple to a linear vca. from that vca you can now go back
> > into the a108 feedback input. the vca is now your resonance
> > control and you can modulate it in order go get vc of resonance.
> > finally you can take the filter output signal from the
> > a180 multiple. the a180 can be ommited if you want to use
> > different a108 outputs as filter output and feedback signal.
> >
> >
> ingo,
> thanks !
> best,
> dave
> (also see my reply to bakis)
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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